White Paper

Financial security and employment are important to people living with psoriatic disease in Canada. Our Working it Out report was our first step to un- derstand the workplace experiences of people liv- ing with psoriatic disease, where more than half of survey participants indicated that psoriatic disease impacted them at work. Our next step was the Environmental Scan of Income Support and Employment Policy in Canada in order to understand the current state of financial security measures and workforce support available for our community and find inspiration from international jurisdictions. Building on the Environmental Scan, this White Paper will outline key policy and administrative changes to meet the needs of our community and will focus on the following areas:

  1. provide financial security though income support programs, sickness benefits, and employ ment insurance programs

  2. reimburse additional costs such as prescription drugs and equipment

  3. support workforce participation such as job search, workplace accommodation, and retraining

  4. support employers in hiring and employment

Down the White paper: Working it Out: Better workplace supports for people with psoriatic disease
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