Getting assistive devices reimbursed?

A dollar sign

Federal programs to help pay for the extra costs of living with a disability are provided to Canadians through the tax system. The main program available is the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) which is a non-refundable tax credit that helps people with disabilities or their caregivers help pay for the extra costs of living with a disability. If approved, the DTC reduces the amount of income tax to pay and provides access to other federal, provincial, or territorial programs such as the Registered Disability Savings Plan, Home Accessibility Expenses, and Home Buyer’s Amount.

  • You may be eligible for the DTC if you have an impairment in physical or mental functions that is severe and prolonged, resulting in a marked To apply, you must complete Part A of the DTC form and speak with a medical practitioner. You may wish to consider how you meet the criteria (e.g., what is the cumulative effect of restrictions that you experience) and provide some of this information to your medical practitioner. Please note that even if you do not have sufficient income to benefit directly from the DTC, you can transfer the amount to your spouse or partner.

    Did you know? There are refundable and non-refundable tax credits. Refundable tax  credits are claimed on your tax return and paid directly to you if you are eligible. Non-re- fundable tax credits, like the DTC, allow you to reduce taxes payable on income you  have earned. People can only claim 15% of non-refundable tax credits on their annual  personal income tax return. Learn more by visiting the website of the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada.

  • You may also benefit from other tax programs to help pay for the extra costs of living with a disability, such as:
    • Medical Expense Tax Credit can be claimed on your income tax for certain medical expenses, like phototherapy equipment, voice recognition software, health care premiums, and medical cannabis. To claim this credit, you often require a prescription.
    • Refundable Medical Expense Supplement is a refundable tax credit available to working individuals with low incomes and high medical expenses.
    • The Canada Caregiver Credit is a non-refundable tax credit that helps caregivers with the expenses involved with taking care of their spouse or common-law partner or dependant who has an impairment in physical or mental functions.
    • Disability Supports Deduction is available if you have an impairment in physical or mental functions as a deduction of expenses paid in the year so that you could go to work, school, or do
    • Additional information about the DTC, related tax credits and other disability-related information is available in the Disability-Related resource developed by the federal

  • Indigenous Services Canada Assisted Living Program provides funds to certain service providers to help provide non-medical, social support services to people living on-reserve with chronic illness or disability. It provides funding for non-medical, social support services to seniors, adults with chronic illnesses, and children and adults with disabilities (mental and physical) on reserve to help them maintain their independence.