Navigating workplace accommodation(s)?
You might find it difficult to contribute and participate at work because of symptoms of psoriatic disease and the impact of these symptoms on your life. This means that you might need to ask for workplace accommodation – or request changes to how the work is done – to manage your health and work commitments.
- There are a number of educational resources to help you navigate workplace accommodation, including Demystifying Workplace Accommodation. This guide provides infor- mation about common workplace challenges for people living with psoriatic disease, explains workplace accommodation and commonly requested solutions and describes the steps involved in requesting workplace accommodation and disclosure of limita- tions and restrictions at work. There is a resource about Legal Rights and Obligations for Employees and Employers Around Workplace Accommodation for Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis.
- Depending on workplace practices, you may also need to share medical information to access workplace accommodations or to apply for short or long-term disability benefits through your employer or through the Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefits. There is an Employee Tool for Requesting Doctors to Prepare Medical Notes, Accommodation Forms, and Disability Benefits Application Forms to help guide you through the information needed for these requests.
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